Rewrite Your Shame Story: An Infidelity Story with Amy Ganz
Very few details were spared in this episode, and yet none of it was at the expense of her ex. Amy shares candidly of her experience of walking out shame and the recovery because she knows that talking honestly with vulnerability about the process is ultimately what pulled her out. “I remember just like this sinking feeling in my stomach that I was like, I'm going to hear something really bad. And I don't know what it is. But I just feel like it's gonna be really, really bad.”
When the Grace Lifts…
I hear people say a lot in Christian culture "His Grace is sufficient for you!" when you share struggles or challenges or the extreme emotional fatigue that comes from fighting hard and long battles. First let me say- His grace ABSOLUTELY IS sufficient for me... but sometimes there is more to it that just that.
Taking Care of Your Physical Health as a Special Needs Parent
When I first landed in the “special needs parent” category 5 years ago, I had no clue just how long and hard the journey would be. We received the diagnosis of PANDAS in June of 2018 and really didn’t know if or when our daughter would recover.
I knew that taking care of my physical health was important, but trying to find the time to eat right, move my body and get good sleep felt impossible with the constant demands of therapy appointments and behavior management.
Endure Differently
What enabled you to endure in the last season may not be what you need to endure in this season. When we have to walk through hard things, it’s normal to want to pull on strengths from the last season, but we need to redefine what endurance means for the season we are in.
Rewriting Your Shame Story: Infertility with Bree Keel
No one wants to walk the road of infertility. Its not something that I would wish on my worst enemy, and yet, some of us find ourselves walking that road without a road map or the right shoes to travel the journey.
After the disillusionment and numbness wears off, so many women find themselves trying to grapple with overwhelming grief, shame and anger because of the journey.
As a woman who suffered through 3 miscarriages, my journey of “infertility” and shame looks different from those who could never get pregnant, and it looks different from those who could get pregnant but never carry to term.
The Power of Gratitude
According to Dr. Caroline Leaf, "gratitude changes the brain and body for the better! Research on the effects gratitude has on our biology shows how being thankful increases our longevity, our ability to use our imagination, and our ability to problem-solve."
Coconut Yogurt Chicken
Warm, delicious, easy to whip up recipe. Sometimes you just need an easy button for a family dinner... right? And I don't know about you, but when it comes to curry- I can definitely overcomplicate and ruin a recipe... and there is nothing quite as bad as a ruined curry dinner, amiright? Well, this recipe is gonna solve that issue for you!
Feel Like Jekyll and Hyde Before Your Cycle? Here's Why...
4 Reasons Your Hormones are Misbehaving
When I graduated nursing school with my bachelors of science in nursing, I felt like I knew everything there was to know about the human body (insert laughter here because that thought is just RIDICULOUS). I had a very medicalized perspective of physiology. What I mean by that is if you have a problem, you fix it with medication. I had very little concept of the body's innate ability to heal itself (again... ridiculous), and thus really had no grid for what I could do to make myself feel better.
Preparing for Summer Naturally - Without Breaking the Bank!
While my husband and I were on this journey of learning how to prepare food in a way that actually nourished our bodies, my eyes opened to the other areas in our lives that were less than healthy for us, and were actually harming us! When I learned about the dangers in most mainstream sunscreen (see HERE), I decided I would spend the extra money on a tiny tube of non-toxic sunscreen recommended to be my my naturopath.
What Do Heavy Periods, Fatigue & Breast Tenderness All Have In Common?
The Truth About Hormonal Irritability
It has nothing to do with your schedule or having a perfectly balanced life. Your irritability has everything to do with the gut-brain connection which is responsible for…
The 1 Thing Your Doctor Is Missing That Could Be Making Your Mood Swings Worse
Here’s the thing… it’s not that low progesterone and high estrogen aren’t a problem, it’s that your doctor is going about resolving your symptoms all wrong. Low progesterone and high estrogen aren’t actually the root causes of your problem.
Deconstructed Black Bean Burrito
Essential Oils to Manage Mood Swings
Your hormones are chemical messengers that help cells in the body to carry out specific functions. Progesterone, estrogen and testosterone all require 3 main processes in the body to be working in order for them to behave…aka, in order for you to not feel like a crazy pants the week before your period.
5 Tests to Have Done When Experiencing Anxiety
Anxiety might just be one of the worst experiences. The racing thoughts, heart palpitations, irrational thoughts and sleeplessness make day to day living very difficult. As someone who has overcome a diagnosis of obsessive compulsive disorder and C-PTSD, I can tell you that anxiety must be addressed holistically if we want to get breakthrough and overcome for the long term
Mental Health From a Holistic Perspective with Guest Erin Kerry
When we are talking about mental health, you may instantly have an internal recoil to those words. Maybe you’ve experienced mental health issues. Maybe you’ve been stigmatized for struggling with depression or anxiety, or some other emotional or behavioral struggle and didn’t get the care that you needed.
Supporting Your Mood with Food Doesn’t Have to be Boring
When it comes to supporting our mood, food may not be your first thought as far as effective treatments. You may be thinking an SSRI or mood stabilizer is your only option.
But recent research shows that there is so much more to a calm and balanced mood than just serotonin hanging around in the neurotransmitter space so we can feel good.