Book Andrea to Teach

Encourage. Equip. Empower.

Andrea Jones is the Director of Inner Healing and Deliverance Ministries at Bethesda Church in Vancouver, Washington. She currently leads a team locally to facilitate inner healing and deliverance using Biblically sound models.

Raised in a Christian home, Andrea understood the power of a relationship with Jesus that changes everything. This relationship with Jesus would be the life-saving-force that got her through recovering from years of emotional abuse that led to being in bondage to anxiety, depression and suicide.


Determined that this was not the abundant life Jesus died on the cross for, Andrea began pursuing inner healing and was radically delivered from anxiety, foreboding, trauma and depression.


Since then, she has been privileged to lead hundreds of others from around the world through biblically based inner healing and deliverance, training and equipping leaders to minster effectively and safely, and leading classes on inner healing and deliverance. Andrea has taught deliverance and inner healing both for her local church, but also as a course for local schools of supernatural ministry as part of their ongoing curriculum.


It is her passion and mandate to set the captives free (Isaiah 61) and equip others to joyfully do the same! Request her to teach, preach or equip alongside your vision.

One Day Training Workshops

  • In this workshop, Andrea teaches on the three main root causes to fear and anxiety, addressing the physical, emotional and spiritual components. Andrea empowers people to uproot the lies that are limiting freedom and healing from any wounds where fear first was introduced. Complete with live group inner healing and breakthrough prayer time, this workshop will bring freedom, identity, and a deeper connection to Jesus!

  • In partnership with Andrea Nelson & Catalyst Ministries, Andrea unlocks the gift of discernment and how it is meant to operate in partnership with the Holy Spirit. She trains people how to identify when the Holy Spirit is inviting them to discern atmospheres, listen for what He wants to do in situations, and walk in authority to release the kingdom in the world around them. The gift of discernment is a necessary tool for every believer to love like Jesus did both in family, ministry, the workplace, and the world around you!

  • What's included:

    • Biblical foundations for deliverance

    • Identity and Authority

    • Understanding Discernment

    • Tools for Ministry

    • Generational Strongholds

    • Healed Emotions and more!

  • Andrea shares from personal experience, years of research and working with pediatric experts to educate parents and teachers how to identify this overlooked neurological disorder to avoid misdiagnosis, and learn how to treat PANS/PANDAS holistically.

Private Home Groups

  • Emotions are not just emotions. Often they will carry a story running through your head about yourself, your circumstances, and/or your relationships. Within that story, there is an underlying tone or narrative playing behind the emotions coming up that will likely camp in the area of shame or self-compassion. Being able to identify the narrative of shame, and the rooted lies behind that narrative, will help you process your emotions and move from shame towards self-compassion, grace and freedom. Complete with group prayer and breakthrough time, and a take-home workbook.

  • God designed us to be FREE from fear- but sometimes the world introduces us to pain, trauma and realities that make that seem impossible. Discover the 3 key things you need to know to overcome fear:

    1. Where it came into your life

    2. The lies you're believing that are keeping it "stuck"

    3. Encountering Jesus to set you free- once and for all.

    Designed for a small group setting, Andrea walks you through understanding the physical, emotional and spiritual elements of fear and anxiety, and giving you practical tools to show you how to break free (and stay free) from fear using a biblical, Christ Centered Approach.


    - 90 minute training

    - Fear and Anxiety Workbook

    - Action steps to get and stay free from fear

"Taking Inner Healing & Deliverance with Andrea was my favorite day of the week. I love that she gave us practical tips and guidance when it comes to our own inner healing and howe we can lead others into that. She walks so humbly but yet so powerfully and authoritatively with the Holy Spirit. One day after class I went up to what I thought would be a quick question and then go home, and ended up gettig delivered, and went home set free. I honor Andrea and her walk and love of the Lord and people. Those that meet her, know that they have met a deep well and heart of gold."


Past Teaching Engagements

The Power of Your Story

Andrea shares about how the power of the gospel transforms who you are and how your testimony can impact the world around you.

Tactical Discernment.

Andrea shares about the Sons of Issachar, and partnering with Holy Spirit in the gift of discernment in your daily life

Truth & Freedom Series: Integrative Mental Health

"Andrea's course on inner healing and deliverance opened my eyes to so many things! There are so many lies we come into agreement with throughout our lives that none of us are even aware of but can hold us back from living our best life with God. This course brought awareness and helped me to break ties with soul wounds and the orphan spirit that has had a hold on me for most of my life. This course also gave me a greater understanding and grasp of how to process my own emotions as well as understanding others. My entire life, I've pushed down emotions thinking theyre not of God. Throughout this course, I learned that not only are my emotions okay, but they're given to us from the Lord as tools to experience Him on a deeper level. This course opened so many doors in my heart for Jesus to enter on a deeper level!"


Equipped to get free. Empowered to stay free.