Fail-Proof Period Plan Workshop
Save Your Spot For The Upcoming 3-Day Workshop Where You'll Learn...
The 3 Secrets That Will Put You Back In Charge Of Your Hormones
Monday, June 26th at 6:00pm PST
In this Masterclass you will learn these 3 TRUTHS:
Why your doctor's advice has been keeping you stuck
What your symptoms ACTUALLY mean (and what you can do about them)
3 keys you need to get back in charge of your hormones again.
Hosted by Andrea Jones,
Registered Nurse, BSN
Hi, I'm Andrea!
I'm a mother of 2 beautiful girls, a registered nurse, and health coach.
I dealt - for years - with hormone imbalances that went undiagnosed, leading to a whole host of issues... especially around that time of the month.
As a nurse, I was well versed in treating symptoms with meds - but I didn't know that my symptoms were only just red flags of deeper issues that needed to be addressed.
It was this experience that led me to seek out a naturopath who began to help me put the pieces together, gave me a plan that helped me, and ultimately was what led me to create this content for you!
-To your wellness
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“I can’t believe my doctor never told me any of this. I feel hopeful about fixing my mood swings and fatigue for the first time EVER!”
Jennifer L.
“This training was INVALUABLE! I learned so much. Now I have a plan to move forward and can stop going in cycles of painful periods and mood swings!”
Mary S.